Everything You Need to Know About the BMP Image Format

Everything You Need to Know About the BMP Image Format
Everything You Need to Know About the BMP Image Format

Do you know what the BMP Image Format is? The BMP file format, also known as a bitmap image file, is a raster graphic file format used to store digital images. This format was created by Microsoft to store bitmap files in a device-independent bitmap or DIB format, allowing the Windows operating system to display the digital image on any display output device.
The BMP Image Format can store data as two-dimensional digital images in both monochrome as well as colour formats with various colour depths.

BMP Image Format
BMP, which stands for Bitmap Image File, is an image file format that stores bitmap graphics data. BMP images are device independent and do not require a graphics adapter to view. Image data in BMP files is typically uncompressed or compressed with a lossless compression. Various colour depths, alpha channels, colour profiles, and optional data compression are all supported by this format. BMP files are widely used on Microsoft Windows and other platforms.

Benefits of using the BMP Format

Limitations of using the BMP Format

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