Bulk Image Compressor

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Compress Images Online | Bulk Image Compressor | Image Size Reducer

Freeimgtools is a Free Image Compression Tool for online image compression. To Compress Images Online, you can use this Bulk Image Compressor tool which helps in reducing the size of the images (PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF). Freeimgtools offers the best image compression while maintaining image quality.

How does Freeimgtools work?

Bulk compress image online to 20kb

Freeimgtools is a simple and easy-to-use image optimizer. The image optimizer provides simple image compression, allowing you to compress image size. You can Compress Images Online by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Open Freeimgtools.com on your device.

Step 2: Click on the Upload Files Button or Drag and Drop your image files.

Step 3: Click on the Download Button

Step 4: When you click on the Download Button, your files will be saved to your device.

What is Image Compression?

Image compression is the process of converting an image file to use less space than the original file. This technique reduces the size of an image document without compromising on quality.

Types of Image Compression

The following two types of image compression methods are used to Compress Images Online:

Lossy image compression

In lossy compression, less important information, such as redundant data, is permanently removed from an image file in order to reduce its size. The file size of an image can be significantly reduced using this method of compression. The compression process, however, can also reduce image quality to the point of distortion, particularly if the image is too compressed. However, quality can be maintained through appropriate compression. JPEG is a well-known example of a lossy compression format.



Lossless image compression

This technique compresses images without sacrificing image quality or essential data, resulting in a compressed image that can be restored to its original state with no loss of quality or distortion. One of the most common examples of a lossless image compression format is PNG.



Bulk Image Compressor

Freeimgtools is a Bulk Image Compressor that allows you to compress multiple images online at the same time without substantial, visible change in quality. All you need to do is to select multiple images and click the Download Button and your images will be compressed and downloaded automatically by the image compressor.

Types of files that can be compressed

Freeimgtools can compress various types of image files. These file types are as follows:-


Freeimgtools is a PNG Image Compressor that provides PNG image compression. PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphics, is an image file format that supports lossless compression while preserving color detail and contrast. PNGs are lossless compressed images that retain all detail. But unlike other file formats, PNG quality does not imply large file sizes - which is useful on the internet, where pages must load quickly. PNG, in particular, has much better text readability than JPEG. Because of this, PNG is a more popular format for infographics, banners, screenshots, and other graphics that include both images and text. PNGs are quickly becoming one of the most popular image formats used online.


Freeimgtools is a JPG Image Compressor that provides JPG image compression. JPEG (or JPG) is an image file format with lossy compression that is ideal for image sharing. JPEGs are known for their "lossy" compression, which means that the image quality degrades as the file size decreases. Because of its compression and nearly universal browser/OS support, JPEG remains one of the most commonly used image file types on the internet. The majority of social media sites, including Facebook and Instagram, convert uploaded image files into JPEGs automatically. They also control the resolution of your photos by using unique social media image sizes. 


Bitmap (BMP) is an image file format that is mostly outdated and maps individual pixels with little to no compression. As a result, BMP files can easily become extremely large and difficult to store or handle. BMP is a lossless file format that was created by Microsoft initially for use on the Windows platform. However, BMPs are now recognized by Mac programs as well. BMP files are large because colour data is stored in each individual pixel without compression. As a result, BMPs produce a high-quality digital file that is ideal for print but not for the web.


GIF is an image file format that employs lossless compression. GIFs, like PNGs, are ideal for use on the internet. Lossless compression ensures that image quality is preserved, and GIFs, like PNGs, support transparency (though not partial transparency). The GIF format is the most well-known (and widely used) for animated images. GIF files are ideal for use on the web due to their small file size. However, GIF files have a limitation in that they can only contain 256 colors. As a result, GIFs are best suited for images with a limited color palette rather than photos.

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