Which one should I use JPG or PNG

Which one should I use JPG or PNG
Which one should I use: JPG or PNG

Webmasters have to choose between various types of image formats and mostly the choices are between JPG or PNG image formats. Both the types of image formats have their advantages and disadvantages, so it totally depends on your purpose, type of content you are presenting and the quality of image needed, that should dictate whether you should use JPG or PNG image on your web page.   Let’s see the pros and cons of both image types, so that you can decide yourself which one suits your web page requirement and style.

Know more about JPG images
The JPEG image format was started as a standard created in 1992 by a committee of experts called The Joint Photographic Experts Group, or JPEG.

JPG images use a lossy compression technique for digital images and contain less data, so they are usually smaller in size than PNG. Due to this smaller size, your web page will be leaner and it will load faster. It usually does a compression with the ratio of 10:1 and though there is a slight loss in the image quality, it is usually not noticed by the naked eye when observed by the non-experts if the image quality of the original image was good. JPG images have myriads of colors, so these types of images are most ideal for real-life images, such as photographs, print media, etc.

JPG image files are not suitable where there is a complexity in the image. Also, if the image quality of the original image was not good then after compression, the image would not be sufficiently clear and it would most likely appear as blurred. If you have text in the image, it would appear as unreadable and is most likely to show as a blurred image.

Know more about PNG images
Few years after JPG images were invented and widely used for digital images, PNG image format  was invented in 1994, however, the full specification of PNG was officially released with the approval from W3C on 1 October 1996.

Inventor group which had created the PNG image format had the vision of creating it as an improved format as compared to GIF images, which were primarily used for animation. That is the reason, interestingly a popular acronym of PNG also stands for ‘PNG's not GIF’. So, since that’s what its makers aimed for, usage of this image is more suited for those web pages where animation is required. As it supports a large number of colors, you get sharp edges and solid colors (true colors) in the images. Another important advantage of PNG image format is that it supports transparent images.

As PNG image formats use the lossless type of image compression to maintain superior quality, image size is comparably bigger. These types of images do not support non-RGB color spaces and are not suitable for print graphics.   So now with these clear comparisons of features, you can decide yourself which image format should be used as per the requirement. Using the right kind of image format can be a key to the success of your web page, we hope this information helps you to choose among these fantastic image formats. What are you waiting for, you can start using these images and make the best use of this information!

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